Friday, 28 May 2010

Sping Arts Festival

The image above is of two Kokeshi Dolls

The image above is called Animal Heaven.
The photo above is of a pine cone

For the spring arts festival we had to finish or create
images to put on display. This was fun to have our

designs professionally printed as they looked really good on the proper paper. I thought that the proccess of creating these images in the right format and finishing 11 images in 2 lessons quit easy but that was because i had finished most of them anyway.
The images shown are just some of the images that were mine in the Spring Arts Festival.

The image to your right is called Mimi. this name is my nickname that some of my friends call me.

1 comment:

  1. I thinkl that the Gradient on the Kokishi dolls is a very good choice of colors.
